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Artur R. Boelderl [17]Artur Reginald Boelderl [1]
  1.  22
    An Interview with Jean-Luc Nancy on Literature, Philosophy and the Present.Artur R. Boelderl - 2020 - Theory, Culture and Society 37 (7-8):355-366.
    ‘We are before Dante’: In this interview, held via email in March 2020 amid the massive outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, Jean-Luc Nancy leads us on a brief but far-reaching foray through his thought. He succeeds in providing an overview of the subjects that he has raised since the beginning of his career as a philosopher, while maintaining a focus on their pertinence for what we are currently facing in the world today. He supplements his insight that ‘we are before (...)
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    Das Fleisch der Verantwortung.Artur R. Boelderl - 2016 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 18 (1):95-113.
    In order to approach the phenomena of responsibility, which is primarily liability and accountability, the author suggests a phenomenological clarification of the question: What is the precondition that makes a responsible life possible? This question should enable to give an answer to another one which is from high anthropological and even political relevance, namely: Is there a spot beyond or "outside" of any responsibility, i.e. can a human being live as "irresponsible" in the radical meaning of the word? The main (...)
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    At the Boundaries of Birth, Love, and Death: Jean-Luc Nancy’s Batailleanism with Reserve – from Restricted to General Natology.Artur R. Boelderl - 2024 - Journal for Cultural Research 29 (1):107-120.
    Experience does not have boundaries; it is a boundary. Transgression, as envisaged by Bataille, consists in the realisation of this circumstance. Boundary experiences are experiences of the limit. The experience itself communicates the boundary; communication takes place at the boundary of two experiences. Following Bataille, Jean-Luc Nancy further developed this thought, arguing that in this impossible inner experience, a community of beings is communicated, or indicated, but cannot be translated into any specific (organisational) form of community, or concrete politics. Such (...)
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  4. AlS Ob Er Tot Wäre.Artur R. Boelderl - 2015 - In Matthias Schmidt, Rücksendungen zu Jacques Derridas "Die Postkarte": ein essayistisches Glossar. Wien: Verlag Turia + Kant.
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  5. ", Das Meiste Namlich/Vermag Die Geburt". Uber die Raumlichkeit des Daseins oder: Phanomenologie als Natologie.Artur R. Boelderl - 2008 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 34 (1):253-278.
    Den Prozeß der Phänomenalisierung des Seins, des Weltwerdens der Welt kann nur angemessen verstehen, wer dessen struktureller Selbigkeit mit dem Geborenwerden/Geborensein des Daseins gewahr wird und ihr philosophisch Rechnung trägt. Diese an Hannah Arendt und Hans Saner einerseits sowie an Jacques Derrida und Jean-Luc Nancy andererseits anschließende These versucht der Beitrag im zweifachen Wege eines Aufweises entsprechender Überlegungen bei Husserl und einer Kritik an Heideggers bereits von Günther Anders notierten Tilgungsbemühungen der einschlägigen Implikationen seines Denkens zu plausibilisieren. Als thematischer Leitfaden (...)
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    Der Mensch als Fragment – in der Spur eines anderen Idealismus?Artur R. Boelderl - 2022 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2022 (2):226-241.
    The other Hölderlin, an unheroic, unprophetic, un-German, in a word: a poor Hölderlin, might have played an essential role in the development of Eugen Fink’s experienceable ontology as an/other form of idealism. Understood cosmologically as a “quarrel” or “game” between heaven and earth, it is designed to realize Husserl’s term “Weltbewusstseinsleben” as illustrated by Fink’s remark: “Coexistence in cognition is at the same time a testimony to the heavenly spirit.” Thus, a twofold question arises: If, in cognition, coexistence is at (...)
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    Entbindung der Erscheinung: Die Botschaft der Phänomenologie.Artur R. Boelderl - 2009 - In Guy van Kerckhoven, Epiphanie: Reine Erscheinung Und Ethos Ohne Kategorie. Transcript Verlag. pp. 7-10.
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    Georges Bataille: über Gottes Verschwendung und andere Kopflosigkeiten.Artur R. Boelderl - 2005 - Berlin: Parerga.
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    Genealogische Dekonstruktion des Politischen und politische Dekonstruktion des Genealogischen. Derrida und Nancy über Geburt und Gemeinschaft.Artur R. Boelderl - 2007 - In Georg Christoph Tholen & Hans-Joachim Lenger, Mnema: Derrida Zum Andenken. Transcript Verlag. pp. 117-134.
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    Literarische Hermetik: die Ethik zwischen Hermeneutik, Psychoanalyse und Dekonstruktion.Artur R. Boelderl - 1997 - Düsseldorf: Parerga.
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    Welt der Abgründe: zu Georges Bataille.Artur R. Boelderl (ed.) - 2015 - Wien: Verlag Turia + Kant.
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  12. Was heisst Geburt?Christina Schües, Volker Gerhardt, Ludger Lütkehaus & Artur R. Boelderl - 2009 - Philosophische Rundschau 56 (1):17 - 37.
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    Zwischen Verzückung und Verzweiflung: Dimensionen religiöser Erfahrung.Florian Uhl & Artur R. Boelderl (eds.) - 2001 - Düsseldorf: Parerga.
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    Ich lebe' ist ein Vorurteil.Artur R. Boelderl - 2007 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2007:61-73.
    Following Derrida’s early claim from Voice and Phenomenon that Husserl’s phenomenology was a philosophy of life, the article focuses on the second of two aspects that there are to such a claim. While the first one – which amounts to revealing negatively (as Derrida does) that the Ego in Husserl is immortal, that Husserl is unable to grasp the temporal structure of the Ego in its dependency from its finitude and thus from death (which supposedly only Heidegger did), and so (...)
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